Growing Love and Honor Through Sweet Basil
Buongiorno miei amata amici! Recurring grocery bills with organic basil encouraged me to grow my own Italian herb garden this year. I have no regrets, as it has been easy in our climate and the aroma brings all of the family out to the herb garden. Perhaps herb garden is deceitful, as we have no ground for growing plants where we live currently. Thus, I have opted for a container garden, endeavoring to seek out a healthier lifestyle for my family.

I have always been a baker and/or candy maker. I was never much of a cook and had a dismal outlook on dinner preparation most evenings. However, since chopping or grinding fresh herbs, my enthusiasm for cooking has bloomed. It is contagious. The scent of the just picked herbs tantalizes and becomes addictive.

I have also been using Basil in homemade medicine this year. I am becoming a believer in the benefit of herbal medicine.
Basil’s essential oils contain a myriad of properties, not limited to: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-viral. Sweet Basil has the same chemical as cloves called eugenol, which gives it many of the same healing properties. Basil and Oregano both have (E)-beta-caryophyllene, which has anti-inflammatory properties that promote health in arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases without the undesired side effects of some other herbs or pharmaceuticals.
Tomorrow, we will produce fresh Pesto from our organic Basil using our marble mortar and pestle.
Tomorrow, we will produce fresh Pesto from our organic Basil using our marble mortar and pestle.

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